Wednesday 25 April 2012


I have a feeling this post is going to piss a hell of a lot of people off. I'll post anyway.

UniLAD Culture; aka Banter.

A while ago the Guardian wrote a killer article about how FUCKED up this stupid 'lad' orientated form of so-called "humour" actually is.

I've just hopped onto the UniLAD site to see what all the hoo-ha was about and pretty much EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE is about getting laid; "HOW TO GET LAID: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR LADS"

Now, most of my close friends are male; my twin is male. I'm fairly sure you man-types DO actually think about other things, not just sex. Everyone thinks about sex a helluva lot of the time, myself included, but doesn't this make you feel almost degraded as men?

If I was a dude and I wanted to read a magazine to entertain and wile away the hours; I don't think I'd want to be bombarded with messages like 'YOU WANT TO GET LAID AND THIS IS HOW TO DO IT'

In fact, speaking as a woman-type, I DO want to have sex. And I DO know how to do it. It's quite refreshing that most magazines I may stumble upon has other things in it; however most of them are telling me about how I'm suppose to look in order to attract men, which is equally as shit - but that's a story for another time.

UniLad culture pretty much relies on the fact it can get away with it because it's all 'banter'

BANTER, MY FRIENDS - is bullshit. It's just a way of making sure people don't see that what you're REALLY saying is horrifically offensive and wrong.

"It's not rape if you shout 'SURPRISE!'" has to be one of my favourite 'banter' jokes. Rape is rape. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's not OKAY in any way, whatsoever, in any situation, EVER.

Even if you should suddenly do decide to shout "surprise!" on your decision to force someone to have sex with you against their will.

Yes. Even this woman is shocked.

In the words of the mighty Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch):

Lemme break it down for ya.

Rape, as defined, is the forcing of one person by another, to have sexual intercourse or perform sexual acts, AGAINST THEIR WILL.

So, therefore, no matter what you shout - should it be 'surprise!' 'oh, hey there fellow human!' or 'chicken!!' - it won't change the fact that if they don't want ot have sex with you - guess what?


Now stop with the fucked up psycho jokes about something that just isn't funny and should never be considered as such.

Now onto a slightly different topic. This morning, while happily Facebooking away, I stumbled across a woman's profile. She'd posted a photo with the words:

"No make-up, or piercings
and my new confidence.

In this photo, she wasn't wearing makeup, she'd taken her facial piercings out and had taken a photo and posted it. HOWEVER. My problem is this whole notion of her 'new confidence'. I flicked through her other photos - (all pierced, all made up - apparently this means she has no confidence in any of them) she's wearing clothes in these photos. In the photo minus bars and makeup - she's wearing what appears to be a bandeau bra and not much else. As she has a rather large bust; it's fairly distracting as this photo is waist-up.

So, Mrs 'New Confidence'. I want to ask you - does your confidence from wearing no make up derive from your newly discovered breasts and how well they don't fit into a teeny tiny bandeau top?

I fucking love people who can break social norms, go without makeup, go without shaving, go out without wearing tiny dresses and huge heels - or fake tan, for that matter. But that's a personal vendetta.

What I don't like is people who pretend to be happy doing something rebellious but tick an entirely different box - this girl can only post a photo of herself without makeup or piercings in, BECAUSE she's decided to make her breasts the focal point of the picture.

'my new confidence' is pretty much a bullshit statement. Your confidence is derived from revealing yourself and pulling attention to your boobs, therefore creating the notion of you as a sexual object, seeing as you've decided you're only confident when your boobs are about.

Show me a girl who can wear NO makeup, do NOTHING to her hair, or her skin, can wear clothes that don't highlight her ass or tits or whatever, can NOT shave, and then I'll be happy.

In fact, I think I might have found such a lady.

If you agree with anything I might have said here, vis-a-vis the titty vs confidence side of things, read this article. This woman's a gem.

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